Khan Academy!! Each student has their own account that you can access at home! Take a look at it! It is free.
Also... this week we will be practicing testing strategies for the upcoming MCA tests. More details to follow.
We also have a biography book report due in April. The kids are creating a newspaper about their person of interest. Ask your son or daughter who they have picked. We have started the writing and research project at school. You will see some of this work in the coming weeks....
One final word....
It is Spring, but.... we may still need to wear coats! Please check the weather forecast so your child is prepared for the day! Thanks.
Have a great week. Mrs. Brown
Morning meeting with Ms. Connelly! |
Joe is in charge! |
Amina hard at work! |
Lauren working hard! |
Reading groups and Wonder Struck! What a great book! |
Paulos, Daisy, Autumn, Mo Re and Yoorim! |
Kaemia and Jhaniya are you working??? |
We have a field trip on April 5th to the Pavek Museum. We are excited for this opportunity. It is very important. The permission slips are due March 29th.
Cool! We have several new members to the group. What fun! Mrs. Brown